D.I.Y - Manual for a potential future


FINN - Festspillene i Nord-Norge
Harstad (NO)

Today, our society suffers a future crisis. It seems nearly impossible to imagine a society radically different form the existing one. We are trapped in the realities of the present. The project DIY or manual for a possible future, is based on recognition that the world can not change if we are unable to think about new futures. More than ever, we therefore need utopias. 

‘The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can never be made or destroyed
Sunlight transforms into trees, 
trees become oil, 
oil is oxidised into CO2.
Nothing is lost
Matter and energy transform endlessly in various states
All matter and everything that ever will exist
exists already.' 

Performance by and with installation artist Lawrence Malstaf, dancer / performer Liv Hanne Haugen, playwright Tale Næss, musician / performer Amund Sjølie Sveen and director Jon Tombre. 

FINN Harstad



Harstad (NO)

We need each other to understand and experience ourselves in the world. Starting with shiny trashbins, five distinctive dance artists take the audience and search in their own lives in hope for healing and salvation. Sharing is caring!
Haugen Produksjoner takes the audience on a journey - out of the theater room and into reality, a reality that can also be poetic and full of movement.

Idea, concept: Anne Katrine Haugen
Dance Artists / Performers: Jenny Marie Svensson, Gerd Kaisa Vorren, Alexander Aarø, Jordi Cortes Molina and Anne Katrine Haugen 
Music: Erik Stifjell
Scenography / Installation: Lawrence Malstaf
Artistic guides: Kristina Junttila, Jon Tombre, Liv Hanne Haugen
Producer: Liv Hanne Haugen
Production: Haugen Productions

FINN Harstad

PROTOTIPOAK 2018: tele-present wind (expanded)

30.05.2018 - 16.09.2018

Azkuna Zentroa

The expanded version of tele-present wind  by David Bowen consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore, the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.


20.05.2018 - 21.05.2018

Operadagen Rotterdam
Noletloodsen Theater, Rotterdam (NL)

More than any generation before us, we are preoccupied with love. Is not it after all the most individual of all emotions? And are not our love stories, like we ourselves, utterly unique?

Imagine we are wrong. And love is not that personal at all, but the most common and universal of all emotions. The characters and the scenery change, but the narrative of love is as old as mankind itself. The Great and Ruinous lovers of old tales have shaped our subconscious image of Romantic Love. Their stories form a huge Archive, a Collective Consciousness of human love, containing all love songs ever written. Claudio Monteverdi hunted Amor down in his  Madrigali Guerrieri and Amorosi , Claude Vivier tried to grasp the essence of Eros in his  Love Songs , whereas José Sanchez-Verdu focusses on Thanatos in his Scriptura Antigua .

In Annelies Van Parys' song cycle Ah, cette Fable an angel is trapped by his mortal lover: if it stays on earth, it will die, if it takes wing, its lover will not survive. As this little tragedy unfolds, the Archive starts to resonate with it. Words, sounds, and feelings, trigger associations and memories of previous passions, both sacred and profane. Echoes and fragments of other, older love songs, interrupt it and complement it, thus pushing the story into new directions.

Operadagen Rotterdam

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In Construction

11.05.2018 - 12.05.2018

Paris (F)

In Construction is an artistic project on (inter)national co-creation, working with recuperation materials in a neighbourhood in full transformation.


tele-present water in 1 2 3 DATA

03.05.2018 - 07.10.2018

La Fondation EDF
Paris (F)

tele-present water - 2011 draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. The wave intensity and frequency collected from the buoy is scaled and transferred to the mechanical grid structure, resulting in a simulation of the physical effects caused by the movement of water from this distant unknown location. This work physically replicates a remote experience and makes observation of the activity of an isolated object, otherwise lost at sea, possible through direct communication



28.04.2018 - 29.04.2018

When Art Meets Science - I Love Science Festival
Horta Hall, BOZAR Brussels (B)

During the ‘I Love Science’ festival BOZAR devotes three whole days to an investigation into the links between art and science. 

EXHALE (performance - installation)
A large inflatable is constantly changing shape, struggling with its environment or adapting to it? Visitors can sign up to visit the inside of this gigantic lung and witness some excerpts of the EXHALE- performance.
EXHALE  starts from a movement we all share: breathing. This process of inhaling and exhaling as an expression of our physical and mental states is in constant change and usually unconscious. Yet it can also be a portal to control psychosomatic phenomena like stress and anxiety. Breath connects mind and body, the yogi said a 1000 years ago. However in these eco-calyptic times where fear is the best selling currency, science tell us about earlier mass extinctions and the cycles of life in our earthly atmosphere. With scientific prose, dance and electronic sounds, the audience is invited inside a large inflated lung where performers and visitors become one and the invisible air is shared as a physical and tangible medium. ‘Breathing is the first and the last thing you will do, you will breath about 10000 liters of air today. Without breath, no life.’

Saturday 28 April 2018
14:00 - 21:30 : ongoing performance 
14:30 / 15:30 / 16:30 / 17:30 / 18:30  : 10” performance inside the bubble with dance and text interventions by Liv Hanne Haugen.
19:00 - 21:30 : 20” performance inside the bubble with live music by Per Martinsen/Mental Overdrive.

Sunday 29 April 2018
14:00 - 21:30: ongoing performance 
14:30 / 15:30 / 16:30 / 17:30 / 18:30  : 10” performance inside the bubble with dance and text interventions by Liv Hanne Haugen.

When Art Meets Science

Talk: The anti-automaton


When Art Meets Science - I Love Science Festival
BOZAR, Brussels (B)

Talk by Lawrence Malstaf. He will show material related to his practice as installation artist dealing with animated objects, anti-automation and coincidence.


Host: Jean Paul Van Bendegem (VUB - Philosopher/Mathematician)
15:00 - Welcome
15:05 - Marleen Wynants (Director VUB Crosstalks): 'The first computers were women' 
16:40 - Talk by Lawrence Malstaf (artist): 'The anti-automaton'
15:50 - Michel Tombroff (ULB / University of California Santa Barbara): 'Tautological limitations in conceptual art: A proposal to represent the beauty of truth'
16:10 - André Ariew (University of Missouri): 'Abstract statistical ideas made simple: The case of Francis Galton’s quincunx'
16:40- Q&A + Break 
17:00 - Isar Goyvaerts (VUB): 'Symmetry in music: A means of exploring the modern Western classical repertoire'
17:30 - Bruno Letort (Ars Musica): 'Le pavillion Philips: Fusion des arts'
18:00 - Open discussion 
18:30 - Festival cocktail

More info: Crosstalks

Compass 02005

25.04.2018 - 12.08.2018

Zhi Art Museum
Chengdu (ROC)

ZHI ART MUSEUM is pleased to present the exhibition Open, celebrating the long-awaited official inauguration of the museum which marks a new cultural signpost in southwest China. Curated by ZHANG Ga and co-presented by ZHI ART MUSEUM and Chronus Art Center (CAC).

To open is also to make ready for adventure, to lose orientation in order to obtain cognition of a different dimension. Compass 02005 by Lawrence Malstaf is precisely such an uncanny apparatus that exercises its own machine logic on the participant. Perhaps here a power play is at work to tease out the conundrum of the human-machine interaction that questions the popular assumption and begs for an ethical reappraisal. 

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In conversation


FILE Festival
CCBB, Rio de Janeiro (BR)

“Installations that look like performances. Performances that look like sculptures. Living installations depending on the visitor, where the public is exhibited and spectators are being immersed. Being in the middle. 
Training devices, anti-automatons and technology.
Animated objects. 
Inspired by nature.

Looking into the future …”

This conversation between Lawrence Malstaf (artist) and Ischa Tallieu (Tallieu Art Office) will shed a light on the activities, installations and performances by Lawrence Malstaf and will give an insight in what drives and inspires the artist.
